Youssoufia Skills

The Youssoufia Skills Center (CYS) was created in 2013 thanks to a partnership between the OCP Group and the Fondation Orient-Occident to help develop the employability of young people in the province of Youssoufia. Supervision of the CYS is carried out by the OCP Foundation in the framework of a management delegated by the Foundation.
The Youssoufia Skills Center is a space that opens up new opportunities for young people in this province. It has led to a number of actions to promote employability. In addition, the center is a territorial locality whose activities aim to create a dynamic of human and socio-economic development for the benefit of the populations of Youssoufia. This space offers accompanying services within the framework of thematic paths to meet the needs of the population of the province.

The mission of the Skills Center is to contribute to the socio-economic revitalization of the province of El Youssoufia by improving the employability of young people and strengthening the capacities of local actors.

Strengthen the positioning of the SKILLS center as an essential actor and a reference in terms of territorial development.

1) Improve the skills of young people in the province to better integrate into the labor market
2) Ensure territorial intelligence by gathering information and exploiting opportunities at national, regional and local level
3) Build a brand image through strengthening the credibility and attractiveness of the center
4) Establish the tools and culture of good governance at the Center level
5) Strengthen the capacities of local actors so that they can lead high-impact territorial projects

The Center FOO / Youssoufia Skills offers a range of training and accompaniment for 3 specific targets:
• Target 1: Young people from the province who have a diploma or an initial training Academic or professional, in a job search situation of more than one year;
• Target 2: Young people from the province who have suspended or discontinued their training project in the SKILLS center or those who have drop-out from school;
• Target 3: Young people from the province who have no professional qualifications.

Accompaniment of associations:
The Youssoufia Skills center and the Fondation Orient-Occident also work for strengthening the Capacities of Associations and for promoting Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial capacities of local actors (through AGR, TPE, COOPERATIVES).


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