The series “Aujourd’hui je partage mon histoire” is a communication and awareness campaign, born out of the need to inform the audience about migration stories. Through this series, we do not deal with the subject of migration in general, but we intend to highlight the personal experience of the individual, beyond a fixed structure. We will relive their stories with them, through their eyes, and we will put ourselves in their shoes, starting to understand their point of view. Unveiling the steps taken by a person and revealing his story through his words, memories, images, will give to the audience the opportunity to identify himself with the other. The People who will share their stories will retrace their journey, and will find a free place to talk and to express themselves in the most comfortable way for them: through words, drawings or songs. We firmly believe that knowledge and emotions are the most important tools to fight xenophobia and discrimination towards migrants, raising awareness and affecting our big virtual reality with values of tolerance and inclusion.
Aujourd’hui je partage mon histoire
"They told me: When you’ll go to Lybia, you’ll get some work and you will be safe there. I didn’t ...
Imagine being born in Guinea, growing up in a country that is under the dictatorship of a military regime. You ...
"Morocco is also my country, it is where I grew up. Even if I experience discrimination in my school people ...
Khadija is Iraqi. She wears the smile of her suffering. She is in her forties and married since 1986 to ...
Solange, 39 years old, comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo where she obtained a baccalaureate in Math & Physics ...
“In Libya, the traffickers said that if I couldn’t convince my family to send the money, they would have killed ...
« De ma vie, je n'ai jamais pensé qu'un jour je finirais par vivre au Maroc car c'est un pays que ...
"Why other people live well and we do not? Why do Africans have to suffer so much? I left, while ...
“In Morocco, we strongly feel xenophobia against sub-Saharans." The 34-year-old La Canadienne left her country, the Ivory Coast, with her ...
“When I left my country, I did not have the desire to go to Europe and make money. I do ...
*This story has been written by Ephesian in person (for this, the unique writing style). My name is Fonye Ephesian ...