Yasmina Filali is winner of the 2017 Elissa-Didon prize awarded at the FORUM VI in Beyrouth

International Association for the Safeguarding of Tyr, League of Canaanite, Phoenician and Punic Cities, Under the auspices of UNESCO, invited The Foundation Orient-Occident’s president Yasmina Filali to receive her prize in Beyrouth, Lebanon; Yasmina Filali will also take part to the Forum VI “HISTORY, SOURCE OF SOLUTIONS TO THE PRESENT PROBLEMS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN » with an intervention on “Migration and plural identities around the Mediterranean”.

The Forum will take place on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2017 in Beyrouth

youssefYasmina Filali is winner of the 2017 Elissa-Didon prize awarded at the FORUM VI in Beyrouth