The project Migrants du Monde has been recognized the 2nd most innovative social project and was awarded by PugliaSociale IN and the Regione Puglia The project Migrants du Monde has been recognized the 2nd most innovative social project and was awarded by PugliaSociale IN and the Regione Puglia Bruna Pizzichini, the new artistic director for Migrants du Monde in Italy and Morocco, with Nadia Tari, projects coordinator in Rabat Bruna Pizzichini, artistic director of Migrants du Monde Italy, with models wearing MDM clothes during the launch event on the 3rd January 2019 Yasmina Filali during the launch of Migrants du Monde in the city of Lecce, Italy Yasmina Filali during the launch of Migrants du Monde in the city of Lecce, Italy The Atelier Migrants du Monde at Palazzo Turrisi, Lecce Yasmina Filali during the launch of Migrants du Monde in the city of Lecce, Italy Yasmina Filali avec le prix de la région des Pouilles PUGLIA SOCIALE IN – “Action 2”